Secure Sketch for All Noisy Sources

by   Yen-Lung Lai, et al.

Secure sketch produces public information of its input w without revealing it, yet, allows the exact recovery of w given another value w' that is close to w. Therefore, it can be used to reliably reproduce any error-prone secret (i.e., biometrics) stored in secret storage. However, some sources have lower entropy compared to the error itself, formally called "more error than entropy", a standard secure sketch cannot show its security promise perfectly to these kind of sources. This paper focuses on secure sketch. We propose a concrete construction for secure sketch. We show security to all noisy sources, including the trivial source with zero min-entropy. In addition, our construction comes with efficient recovery algorithm operates in polynomial time in the sketch size, which can tolerate high number of error rate arbitrary close to 1/2. Above result acts in conjunction to our derivation on the solution to two NP-complete coding problems, suggesting P=NP.


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