Satoshi Nakamoto and the Origins of Bitcoin – The Profile of a 1-in-a-Billion Genius

by   Jens Ducrée, et al.

The mystery about the ingenious creator of Bitcoin concealing behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto has been fascinating the global public for more than a decade. Suddenly jumping out of the dark in 2008, this persona hurled the decentralized electronic cash system "Bitcoin", which has reached a peak market capitalization in the region of 1 trillion USD. In a purposely agnostic, and meticulous "lea-ving no stone unturned" approach, this study presents new hard facts, which evidently slipped through Satoshi Nakamoto's elaborate privacy shield, and derives meaningful pointers that are primarily inferred from Bitcoin's whitepaper, its blockchain parameters, and data that were widely up to his discretion. This ample stack of established and novel evidence is systematically categorized, analyzed, and then connected to its related, real-world ambient, like relevant locations and happenings in the past, and at the time. Evidence compounds towards a substantial role of the Benelux cryptography ecosystem, with strong transatlantic links, in the creation of Bitcoin. A consistent biography, a psychogram, and gripping story of an ingenious, multi-talented, autodidactic, reticent, and capricious polymath transpire, which are absolutely unique from a history of science and technology perspective. A cohort of previously fielded and best matches emerging from the investigations are probed against an unprecedently restrictive, multi-stage exclusion filter, which can, with maximum certainty, rule out most "Satoshi Nakamoto" candidates, while some of them remain to be confirmed. With this article, you will be able to decide who is not, or highly unlikely to be Satoshi Nakamoto, be equipped with an ample stack of systematically categorized evidence and efficient methodologies to find suitable candidates, and can possibly unveil the real identity of the creator of Bitcoin - if you want.


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