Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning in Mixed Systems through Augmented Samples and Its Applications to Queueing Networks

by   Honghao Wei, et al.

This paper considers a class of reinforcement learning problems, which involve systems with two types of states: stochastic and pseudo-stochastic. In such systems, stochastic states follow a stochastic transition kernel while the transitions of pseudo-stochastic states are deterministic given the stochastic states/transitions. We refer to such systems as mixed systems, which are widely used in various applications, including manufacturing systems, communication networks, and queueing networks. We propose a sample efficient RL method that accelerates learning by generating augmented data samples. The proposed algorithm is data-driven and learns the policy from data samples from both real and augmented samples. This method significantly improves learning by reducing the sample complexity such that the dataset only needs to have sufficient coverage of the stochastic states. We analyze the sample complexity of the proposed method under Fitted Q Iteration (FQI) and demonstrate that the optimality gap decreases as 𝒊Ėƒ(√(1/n)+√(1/m)), where n is the number of real samples and m is the number of augmented samples per real sample. It is important to note that without augmented samples, the optimality gap is 𝒊Ėƒ(1) due to insufficient data coverage of the pseudo-stochastic states. Our experimental results on multiple queueing network applications confirm that the proposed method indeed significantly accelerates learning in both deep Q-learning and deep policy gradient.


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