SaaFormer: Spectral-spatial Axial Aggregation Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification

by   Enzhe Zhao, et al.

Hyperspectral images (HSI) captured from earth observing satellites and aircraft is becoming increasingly important for applications in agriculture, environmental monitoring, mining, etc. Due to the limited available hyperspectral datasets, the pixel-wise random sampling is the most commonly used training-test dataset partition approach, which has significant overlap between samples in training and test datasets. Furthermore, our experimental observations indicates that regions with larger overlap often exhibit higher classification accuracy. Consequently, the pixel-wise random sampling approach poses a risk of data leakage. Thus, we propose a block-wise sampling method to minimize the potential for data leakage. Our experimental findings also confirm the presence of data leakage in models such as 2DCNN. Further, We propose a spectral-spatial axial aggregation transformer model, namely SaaFormer, to address the challenges associated with hyperspectral image classifier that considers HSI as long sequential three-dimensional images. The model comprises two primary components: axial aggregation attention and multi-level spectral-spatial extraction. The axial aggregation attention mechanism effectively exploits the continuity and correlation among spectral bands at each pixel position in hyperspectral images, while aggregating spatial dimension features. This enables SaaFormer to maintain high precision even under block-wise sampling. The multi-level spectral-spatial extraction structure is designed to capture the sensitivity of different material components to specific spectral bands, allowing the model to focus on a broader range of spectral details. The results on six publicly available datasets demonstrate that our model exhibits comparable performance when using random sampling, while significantly outperforming other methods when employing block-wise sampling partition.


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