RPM: Generalizable Behaviors for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

by   Wei Qiu, et al.

Despite the recent advancement in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), the MARL agents easily overfit the training environment and perform poorly in the evaluation scenarios where other agents behave differently. Obtaining generalizable policies for MARL agents is thus necessary but challenging mainly due to complex multi-agent interactions. In this work, we model the problem with Markov Games and propose a simple yet effective method, ranked policy memory (RPM), to collect diverse multi-agent trajectories for training MARL policies with good generalizability. The main idea of RPM is to maintain a look-up memory of policies. In particular, we try to acquire various levels of behaviors by saving policies via ranking the training episode return, i.e., the episode return of agents in the training environment; when an episode starts, the learning agent can then choose a policy from the RPM as the behavior policy. This innovative self-play training framework leverages agents' past policies and guarantees the diversity of multi-agent interaction in the training data. We implement RPM on top of MARL algorithms and conduct extensive experiments on Melting Pot. It has been demonstrated that RPM enables MARL agents to interact with unseen agents in multi-agent generalization evaluation scenarios and complete given tasks, and it significantly boosts the performance up to 402


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