RieszNet and ForestRiesz: Automatic Debiased Machine Learning with Neural Nets and Random Forests

by   Victor Chernozhukov, et al.

Many causal and policy effects of interest are defined by linear functionals of high-dimensional or non-parametric regression functions. √(n)-consistent and asymptotically normal estimation of the object of interest requires debiasing to reduce the effects of regularization and/or model selection on the object of interest. Debiasing is typically achieved by adding a correction term to the plug-in estimator of the functional, that is derived based on a functional-specific theoretical derivation of what is known as the influence function and which leads to properties such as double robustness and Neyman orthogonality. We instead implement an automatic debiasing procedure based on automatically learning the Riesz representation of the linear functional using Neural Nets and Random Forests. Our method solely requires value query oracle access to the linear functional. We propose a multi-tasking Neural Net debiasing method with stochastic gradient descent minimization of a combined Riesz representer and regression loss, while sharing representation layers for the two functions. We also propose a Random Forest method which learns a locally linear representation of the Riesz function. Even though our methodology applies to arbitrary functionals, we experimentally find that it beats state of the art performance of the prior neural net based estimator of Shi et al. (2019) for the case of the average treatment effect functional. We also evaluate our method on the more challenging problem of estimating average marginal effects with continuous treatments, using semi-synthetic data of gasoline price changes on gasoline demand.


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