Revolutionizing Single Cell Analysis: The Power of Large Language Models for Cell Type Annotation

by   Zehua Zeng, et al.

In recent years, single cell RNA sequencing has become a widely used technique to study cellular diversity and function. However, accurately annotating cell types from single cell data has been a challenging task, as it requires extensive knowledge of cell biology and gene function. The emergence of large language models such as ChatGPT and New Bing in 2023 has revolutionized this process by integrating the scientific literature and providing accurate annotations of cell types. This breakthrough enables researchers to conduct literature reviews more efficiently and accurately, and can potentially uncover new insights into cell type annotation. By using ChatGPT to annotate single cell data, we can relate rare cell type to their function and reveal specific differentiation trajectories of cell subtypes that were previously overlooked. This can have important applications in understanding cancer progression, mammalian development, and stem cell differentiation, and can potentially lead to the discovery of key cells that interrupt the differentiation pathway and solve key problems in the life sciences. Overall, the future of cell type annotation in single cell data looks promising and the Large Language model will be an important milestone in the history of single cell analysis.


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