Revisiting Image Classifier Training for Improved Certified Robust Defense against Adversarial Patches

by   Aniruddha Saha, et al.

Certifiably robust defenses against adversarial patches for image classifiers ensure correct prediction against any changes to a constrained neighborhood of pixels. PatchCleanser arXiv:2108.09135 [cs.CV], the state-of-the-art certified defense, uses a double-masking strategy for robust classification. The success of this strategy relies heavily on the model's invariance to image pixel masking. In this paper, we take a closer look at model training schemes to improve this invariance. Instead of using Random Cutout arXiv:1708.04552v2 [cs.CV] augmentations like PatchCleanser, we introduce the notion of worst-case masking, i.e., selecting masked images which maximize classification loss. However, finding worst-case masks requires an exhaustive search, which might be prohibitively expensive to do on-the-fly during training. To solve this problem, we propose a two-round greedy masking strategy (Greedy Cutout) which finds an approximate worst-case mask location with much less compute. We show that the models trained with our Greedy Cutout improves certified robust accuracy over Random Cutout in PatchCleanser across a range of datasets and architectures. Certified robust accuracy on ImageNet with a ViT-B16-224 model increases from 58.1% to 62.3% against a 3% square patch applied anywhere on the image.


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