Revisiting Connotations of Digital Humanists: Exploratory Interviews

by   Rongqian Ma, et al.

This ongoing study revisits the connotations of "digital humanists" and explores the reasons why a researcher does or does not self-identify as a digital humanist. Building on semi-structured interview data collected from fourteen researchers and practitioners engaging in digital humanities (DH) projects, this poster illustrates researchers' various understandings of "digital humanist" as a term and research identity and highlights the complexity of "digital humanists" as a research community. This study contributes to DH scholarship with insights into the collective imaginations of the digital humanist as a research community one decade after the early attempts. Findings of this research study also facilitate a more thorough, timely, and dynamic discussion of the major workforce in digital humanities, potentially paving the way for future research on labor and collaboration in the DH research domain.


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