Retrieving Supporting Evidence for LLMs Generated Answers

by   Siqing Huo, et al.

Current large language models (LLMs) can exhibit near-human levels of performance on many natural language tasks, including open-domain question answering. Unfortunately, they also convincingly hallucinate incorrect answers, so that responses to questions must be verified against external sources before they can be accepted at face value. In this paper, we report a simple experiment to automatically verify generated answers against a corpus. After presenting a question to an LLM and receiving a generated answer, we query the corpus with the combination of the question + generated answer. We then present the LLM with the combination of the question + generated answer + retrieved answer, prompting it to indicate if the generated answer can be supported by the retrieved answer. We base our experiment on questions and passages from the MS MARCO (V1) test collection, exploring three retrieval approaches ranging from standard BM25 to a full question answering stack, including a reader based on the LLM. For a large fraction of questions, we find that an LLM is capable of verifying its generated answer if appropriate supporting material is provided. However, with an accuracy of 70-80 relied upon to detect hallucinations.


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