RetICL: Sequential Retrieval of In-Context Examples with Reinforcement Learning

by   Alexander Scarlatos, et al.

Many recent developments in large language models focus on prompting them to perform specific tasks. One effective prompting method is in-context learning, where the model performs a (possibly new) generation/prediction task given one (or more) examples. Past work has shown that the choice of examples can make a large impact on task performance. However, finding good examples is not straightforward since the definition of a representative group of examples can vary greatly depending on the task. While there are many existing methods for selecting in-context examples, they generally score examples independently, ignoring the dependency between them and the order in which they are provided to the large language model. In this work, we propose Retrieval for In-Context Learning (RetICL), a learnable method for modeling and optimally selecting examples sequentially for in-context learning. We frame the problem of sequential example selection as a Markov decision process, design an example retriever model using an LSTM, and train it using proximal policy optimization (PPO). We validate RetICL on math problem solving datasets and show that it outperforms both heuristic and learnable baselines, and achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on the TabMWP dataset. We also use case studies to show that RetICL implicitly learns representations of math problem solving strategies.


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