Research on Inertial Navigation Technology of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Integrated Reinforcement Learning Algorithm

by   Longcheng Guo, et al.

We first define appropriate state representation and action space, and then design an adjustment mechanism based on the actions selected by the intelligent agent. The adjustment mechanism outputs the next state and reward value of the agent. Additionally, the adjustment mechanism calculates the error between the adjusted state and the unadjusted state. Furthermore, the intelligent agent stores the acquired experience samples containing states and reward values in a buffer and replays the experiences during each iteration to learn the dynamic characteristics of the environment. We name the improved algorithm as the DQM algorithm. Experimental results demonstrate that the intelligent agent using our proposed algorithm effectively reduces the accumulated errors of inertial navigation in dynamic environments. Although our research provides a basis for achieving autonomous navigation of unmanned aerial vehicles, there is still room for significant optimization. Further research can include testing unmanned aerial vehicles in simulated environments, testing unmanned aerial vehicles in real-world environments, optimizing the design of reward functions, improving the algorithm workflow to enhance convergence speed and performance, and enhancing the algorithm's generalization ability.


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