Report on the energy consumption of the IOTA 2.0 prototype network (GoShimmer 0.8.3) under different testing scenarios

by   Louis Helmer, et al.

The high energy consumption of proof of work-based distributed ledgers has become an important environmental concern. Bitcoin, for example, consumes as much energy in a year as a developed country. Alternative consensus mechanisms, such as proof of stake, have been shown to use drastically less energy than proof of work-based DLTs. For example, the IOTA DLT, built upon a directed acyclic graph (DAG) architecture, uses an alternative consensus mechanism that requires significantly less energy than other DLTs. Because the (DLT) space is constantly and rapidly evolving, the question of how much energy DLTs actually consume demands to be continuously studied and answered. Previous research into the energy consumption of the IOTA network has shown that an optimization in the overall protocol correlates to an optimization in energy consumption. The planned IOTA 2.0 update, built upon the GoShimmer research prototype, promises to further optimize the protocol by removing the network's centralized Coordinator. This report presents the results of measuring the energy consumption of a private GoShimmer network while comparing these findings to previous research into the current mainnet, which is called Chrysalis. The main findings of this report are that the IOTA 2.0 research prototype shows both improvements and increase in the energy consumption metrics compared to the Chrysalis network. Additionally, this report defines a model to estimate the total annual energy consumption of an IOTA network. This model should be significant for future research as it enables a way to estimate the total cost of running the IOTA network as well as its carbon emissions. Moreover, having an annual power consumption metric allows for better objective comparisons to different DLTs.


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