Replicability of Simulation Studies for the Investigation of Statistical Methods: The RepliSims Project

by   K. Luijken, et al.

Results of simulation studies evaluating the performance of statistical methods are often considered actionable and thus can have a major impact on the way empirical research is implemented. However, so far there is limited evidence about the reproducibility and replicability of statistical simulation studies. Therefore, eight highly cited statistical simulation studies were selected, and their replicability was assessed by teams of replicators with formal training in quantitative methodology. The teams found relevant information in the original publications and used it to write simulation code with the aim of replicating the results. The primary outcome was the feasibility of replicability based on reported information in the original publications. Replicability varied greatly: Some original studies provided detailed information leading to almost perfect replication of results, whereas other studies did not provide enough information to implement any of the reported simulations. Replicators had to make choices regarding missing or ambiguous information in the original studies, error handling, and software environment. Factors facilitating replication included public availability of code, and descriptions of the data-generating procedure and methods in graphs, formulas, structured text, and publicly accessible additional resources such as technical reports. Replicability of statistical simulation studies was mainly impeded by lack of information and sustainability of information sources. Reproducibility could be achieved for simulation studies by providing open code and data as a supplement to the publication. Additionally, simulation studies should be transparently reported with all relevant information either in the research paper itself or in easily accessible supplementary material to allow for replicability.


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