Renormalizing Diffusion Models

by   Jordan Cotler, et al.

We explain how to use diffusion models to learn inverse renormalization group flows of statistical and quantum field theories. Diffusion models are a class of machine learning models which have been used to generate samples from complex distributions, such as the distribution of natural images, by learning the inverse process to a diffusion process which adds noise to the data until the distribution of the data is pure noise. Nonperturbative renormalization group schemes can naturally be written as diffusion processes in the space of fields. We combine these observations in a concrete framework for building ML-based models for studying field theories, in which the models learn the inverse process to an explicitly-specified renormalization group scheme. We detail how these models define a class of adaptive bridge (or parallel tempering) samplers for lattice field theory. Because renormalization group schemes have a physical meaning, we provide explicit prescriptions for how to compare results derived from models associated to several different renormalization group schemes of interest. We also explain how to use diffusion models in a variational method to find ground states of quantum systems. We apply some of our methods to numerically find RG flows of interacting statistical field theories. From the perspective of machine learning, our work provides an interpretation of multiscale diffusion models, and gives physically-inspired suggestions for diffusion models which should have novel properties.


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