Region of Interest Detection in Melanocytic Skin Tumor Whole Slide Images

by   Yi Cui, et al.

Automated region of interest detection in histopathological image analysis is a challenging and important topic with tremendous potential impact on clinical practice. The deep-learning methods used in computational pathology help us to reduce costs and increase the speed and accuracy of regions of interest detection and cancer diagnosis. In this work, we propose a patch-based region of interest detection method for melanocytic skin tumor whole-slide images. We work with a dataset that contains 165 primary melanomas and nevi Hematoxylin and Eosin whole-slide images and build a deep-learning method. The proposed method performs well on a hold-out test data set including five TCGA-SKCM slides (accuracy of 93.94% in slide classification task and intersection over union rate of 41.27% in the region of interest detection task), showing the outstanding performance of our model on melanocytic skin tumor. Even though we test the experiments on the skin tumor dataset, our work could also be extended to other medical image detection problems, such as various tumors' classification and prediction, to help and benefit the clinical evaluation and diagnosis of different tumors.


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