Reduced Order Modeling for Parameterized Time-Dependent PDEs using Spatially and Memory Aware Deep Learning

by   Nikolaj T. Mücke, et al.

We present a novel reduced order model (ROM) approach for parameterized time-dependent PDEs based on modern learning. The ROM is suitable for multi-query problems and is nonintrusive. It is divided into two distinct stages: A nonlinear dimensionality reduction stage that handles the spatially distributed degrees of freedom based on convolutional autoencoders, and a parameterized time-stepping stage based on memory aware neural networks (NNs), specifically causal convolutional and long short-term memory NNs. Strategies to ensure generalization and stability are discussed. The methodology is tested on the heat equation, advection equation, and the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, to show the variety of problems the ROM can handle.


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