ReCFA: Resilient Control-Flow Attestation

by   Yumei Zhang, et al.

Recent IoT applications gradually adapt more complicated end systems with commodity software. Ensuring the runtime integrity of these software is a challenging task for the remote controller or cloud services. Popular enforcement is the runtime remote attestation which requires the end system (prover) to generate evidence for its runtime behavior and a remote trusted verifier to attest the evidence. Control-flow attestation is a kind of runtime attestation that provides diagnoses towards the remote control-flow hijacking at the prover. Most of these attestation approaches focus on small or embedded software. The recent advance to attesting complicated software depends on the source code and execution-profiling CFG to measure the subpaths, which may be incomplete and unavailable for commodity software. In this work, we propose a resilient control-flow attestation (ReCFA), which does not need the offline measurement of all legitimate control-flow paths, thus scalable to be used on complicated commodity software. Our main contribution is a multi-phase approach to condensing the runtime control-flow events; as a result, the vast amount of control-flow events are abstracted into a deliverable size. The condensing approach consists of filtering skippable call sites, folding program-structure related control-flow events, and a greedy compression. Our approach is implemented with binary-level static analysis and instrumentation. We employ a shadow stack mechanism at the verifier to enforce context-sensitive control-flow integrity and diagnose the compromised control-flow events violating the security policy. The experimental results on real-world benchmarks show both the efficiency of the control-flow condensing and the effectiveness of security enforcement.


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