RARE: Robust Masked Graph Autoencoder

by   Wenxuan Tu, et al.

Masked graph autoencoder (MGAE) has emerged as a promising self-supervised graph pre-training (SGP) paradigm due to its simplicity and effectiveness. However, existing efforts perform the mask-then-reconstruct operation in the raw data space as is done in computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP) areas, while neglecting the important non-Euclidean property of graph data. As a result, the highly unstable local connection structures largely increase the uncertainty in inferring masked data and decrease the reliability of the exploited self-supervision signals, leading to inferior representations for downstream evaluations. To address this issue, we propose a novel SGP method termed Robust mAsked gRaph autoEncoder (RARE) to improve the certainty in inferring masked data and the reliability of the self-supervision mechanism by further masking and reconstructing node samples in the high-order latent feature space. Through both theoretical and empirical analyses, we have discovered that performing a joint mask-then-reconstruct strategy in both latent feature and raw data spaces could yield improved stability and performance. To this end, we elaborately design a masked latent feature completion scheme, which predicts latent features of masked nodes under the guidance of high-order sample correlations that are hard to be observed from the raw data perspective. Specifically, we first adopt a latent feature predictor to predict the masked latent features from the visible ones. Next, we encode the raw data of masked samples with a momentum graph encoder and subsequently employ the resulting representations to improve predicted results through latent feature matching. Extensive experiments on seventeen datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness and robustness of RARE against state-of-the-art (SOTA) competitors across three downstream tasks.


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