Rapid-INR: Storage Efficient CPU-free DNN Training Using Implicit Neural Representation

by   Hanqiu Chen, et al.

Implicit Neural Representation (INR) is an innovative approach for representing complex shapes or objects without explicitly defining their geometry or surface structure. Instead, INR represents objects as continuous functions. Previous research has demonstrated the effectiveness of using neural networks as INR for image compression, showcasing comparable performance to traditional methods such as JPEG. However, INR holds potential for various applications beyond image compression. This paper introduces Rapid-INR, a novel approach that utilizes INR for encoding and compressing images, thereby accelerating neural network training in computer vision tasks. Our methodology involves storing the whole dataset directly in INR format on a GPU, mitigating the significant data communication overhead between the CPU and GPU during training. Additionally, the decoding process from INR to RGB format is highly parallelized and executed on-the-fly. To further enhance compression, we propose iterative and dynamic pruning, as well as layer-wise quantization, building upon previous work. We evaluate our framework on the image classification task, utilizing the ResNet-18 backbone network and three commonly used datasets with varying image sizes. Rapid-INR reduces memory consumption to only 5 6× speedup over the PyTorch training pipeline, as well as a maximum 1.2x speedup over the DALI training pipeline, with only a marginal decrease in accuracy. Importantly, Rapid-INR can be readily applied to other computer vision tasks and backbone networks with reasonable engineering efforts. Our implementation code is publicly available at https://github.com/sharc-lab/Rapid-INR.


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