RandomOut: Using a convolutional gradient norm to rescue convolutional filters

by   Joseph Paul Cohen, et al.

Filters in convolutional neural networks are sensitive to their initialization. The random numbers used to initialize filters are a bias and determine if you will "win" and converge to a satisfactory local minimum so we call this The Filter Lottery. We observe that the 28x28 Inception-V3 model without Batch Normalization fails to train 26 random seed alone. This is a problem that affects the trial and error process of designing a network. Because random seeds have a large impact it makes it hard to evaluate a network design without trying many different random starting weights. This work aims to reduce the bias imposed by the initial weights so a network converges more consistently. We propose to evaluate and replace specific convolutional filters that have little impact on the prediction. We use the gradient norm to evaluate the impact of a filter on error, and re-initialize filters when the gradient norm of its weights falls below a specific threshold. This consistently improves accuracy on the 28x28 Inception-V3 with a median increase of +3.3 increases the number of filters explored without increasing the size of the network. We observe that the RandomOut method has more consistent generalization performance, having a standard deviation of 1.3 when varying random seeds, and does so faster and with fewer parameters.


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