R package SamplingStrata: new developments and extension to Spatial Sampling

by   Marco Ballin, et al.

The R package SamplingStrata was developed in 2011 as an instrument to optimize the design of stratified samples. The optimization is performed by considering the stratification variables available in the sampling frame, and the precision constraints on target estimates of the survey (Ballin Barcaroli, 2014). The genetic algorithm at the basis of the optimization step explores the universe of the possible alternative stratifications determining for each of them the best allocation, that is the one of minumum total size that allows to satisfy the precision constraints: the final optimal solution is the one that ensures the global minimum sample size. One fundamental requirement to make this approach feasible is the possibility to estimate the variability of target variables in generated strata; in general, as target variable values are not available in the frame, but only proxy ones, anticipated variance is calculated by modelling the relations between target and proxy variables. In case of spatial sampling, it is important to consider not only the total model variance, but also the co-variance derived by the spatial auto-correlation. The last release of SamplingStrata enables to consider both components of variance, thus allowing to harness spatial auto-correlation in order to obtain more efficient samples.


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