r-BTN: Cross-domain Face Composite and Synthesis from Limited Facial Patches

by   Yang Song, et al.

We start by asking an interesting yet challenging question, "If an eyewitness can only recall the eye features of the suspect, such that the forensic artist can only produce a sketch of the eyes (e.g., the top-left sketch shown in Fig. 1), can advanced computer vision techniques help generate the whole face image?" A more generalized question is that if a large proportion (e.g., more than 50 sketch/image still be estimated. Existing face completion and generation methods either do not conduct domain transfer learning or can not handle large missing area. For example, the inpainting approach tends to blur the generated region when the missing area is large (i.e., more than 50 exploit the potential of deep learning networks in filling large missing region (e.g., as high as 95 high-fidelity in cross domains. We propose the recursive generation by bidirectional transformation networks (r-BTN) that recursively generates a whole face/sketch from a small sketch/face patch. The large missing area and the cross domain challenge make it difficult to generate satisfactory results using a unidirectional cross-domain learning structure. On the other hand, a forward and backward bidirectional learning between the face and sketch domains would enable recursive estimation of the missing region in an incremental manner (Fig. 1) and yield appealing results. r-BTN also adopts an adversarial constraint to encourage the generation of realistic faces/sketches. Extensive experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the superior performance from r-BTN as compared to existing potential solutions.


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