Quantization Aware Attack: Enhancing the Transferability of Adversarial Attacks across Target Models with Different Quantization Bitwidths

by   Yulong Yang, et al.

Quantized Neural Networks (QNNs) receive increasing attention in resource-constrained scenarios because of their excellent generalization abilities, but their robustness under realistic black-box adversarial attacks has not been deeply studied, in which the adversary requires to improve the attack capability across target models with unknown quantization bitwidths. One major challenge is that adversarial examples transfer poorly against QNNs with unknown bitwidths because of the quantization shift and gradient misalignment issues. This paper proposes the Quantization Aware Attack to enhance the attack transferability by making the substitute model “aware of” the target of attacking models with multiple bitwidths. Specifically, we design a training objective with multiple bitwidths to align the gradient of the substitute model with the target model with different bitwidths and thus mitigate the negative effect of the above two issues. We conduct comprehensive evaluations by performing multiple transfer-based attacks on standard models and defense models with different architectures and quantization bitwidths. Experimental results show that QAA significantly improves the adversarial transferability of the state-of-the-art attacks by 3.4 3.7


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