Pursuing Equilibrium of Medical Resources via Data Empowerment in Parallel Healthcare System

by   Yi Yu, et al.

The imbalance between the supply and demand of healthcare resources is a global challenge, which is particularly severe in developing countries. Governments and academic communities have made various efforts to increase healthcare supply and improve resource allocation. However, these efforts often remain passive and inflexible. Alongside these issues, the emergence of the parallel healthcare system has the potential to solve these problems by unlocking the data value. The parallel healthcare system comprises Medicine-Oriented Operating Systems (MOOS), Medicine-Oriented Scenario Engineering (MOSE), and Medicine-Oriented Large Models (MOLMs), which could collect, circulate, and empower data. In this paper, we propose that achieving equilibrium in medical resource allocation is possible through parallel healthcare systems via data empowerment. The supply-demand relationship can be balanced in parallel healthcare systems by (1) increasing the supply provided by digital and robotic doctors in MOOS, (2) identifying individual and potential demands by proactive diagnosis and treatment in MOSE, and (3) improving supply-demand matching using large models in MOLMs. To illustrate the effectiveness of this approach, we present a case study optimizing resource allocation from the perspective of facility accessibility. Results demonstrate that the parallel healthcare system could result in up to 300 accessibility.


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