Prophet: Conflict-Free Sharding Blockchain via Byzantine-Tolerant Deterministic Ordering

by   Zicong Hong, et al.

Sharding scales throughput by splitting blockchain nodes into parallel groups. However, different shards' independent and random scheduling for cross-shard transactions results in numerous conflicts and aborts, since cross-shard transactions from different shards may access the same account. A deterministic ordering can eliminate conflicts by determining a global order for transactions before processing, as proved in the database field. Unfortunately, due to the intertwining of the Byzantine environment and information isolation among shards, there is no trusted party able to predetermine such an order for cross-shard transactions. To tackle this challenge, this paper proposes Prophet, a conflict-free sharding blockchain based on Byzantine-tolerant deterministic ordering. It first depends on untrusted self-organizing coalitions of nodes from different shards to pre-execute cross-shard transactions for prerequisite information about ordering. It then determines a trusted global order based on stateless ordering and post-verification for pre-executed results, through shard cooperation. Following the order, the shards thus orderly execute and commit transactions without conflicts. Prophet orchestrates the pre-execution, ordering, and execution processes in the sharding consensus for minimal overhead. We rigorously prove the determinism and serializability of transactions under the Byzantine and sharded environment. An evaluation of our prototype shows that Prophet improves the throughput by 3.11× and achieves nearly no aborts on 1 million Ethereum transactions compared with state-of-the-art sharding.


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