Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning: Methods, Challenges and Directions
Machine learning (ML) is increasingly being adopted in a wide variety of application domains. Usually, a well-performing ML model, especially, emerging deep neural network model, relies on a large volume of training data and high-powered computational resources. The need for a vast volume of available data raises serious privacy concerns because of the risk of leakage of highly privacy-sensitive information and the evolving regulatory environments that increasingly restrict access to and use of privacy-sensitive data. Furthermore, a trained ML model may also be vulnerable to adversarial attacks such as membership/property inference attacks and model inversion attacks. Hence, well-designed privacy-preserving ML (PPML) solutions are crucial and have attracted increasing research interest from academia and industry. More and more efforts of PPML are proposed via integrating privacy-preserving techniques into ML algorithms, fusing privacy-preserving approaches into ML pipeline, or designing various privacy-preserving architectures for existing ML systems. In particular, existing PPML arts cross-cut ML, system, security, and privacy; hence, there is a critical need to understand state-of-art studies, related challenges, and a roadmap for future research. This paper systematically reviews and summarizes existing privacy-preserving approaches and proposes a PGU model to guide evaluation for various PPML solutions through elaborately decomposing their privacy-preserving functionalities. The PGU model is designed as the triad of Phase, Guarantee, and technical Utility. Furthermore, we also discuss the unique characteristics and challenges of PPML and outline possible directions of future work that benefit a wide range of research communities among ML, distributed systems, security, and privacy areas.