Prioritized Level Replay

by   Minqi Jiang, et al.

Simulated environments with procedurally generated content have become popular benchmarks for testing systematic generalization of reinforcement learning agents. Every level in such an environment is algorithmically created, thereby exhibiting a unique configuration of underlying factors of variation, such as layout, positions of entities, asset appearances, or even the rules governing environment transitions. Fixed sets of training levels can be determined to aid comparison and reproducibility, and test levels can be held out to evaluate the generalization and robustness of agents. While prior work samples training levels in a direct way (e.g. uniformly) for the agent to learn from, we investigate the hypothesis that different levels provide different learning progress for an agent at specific times during training. We introduce Prioritized Level Replay, a general framework for estimating the future learning potential of a level given the current state of the agent's policy. We find that temporal-difference (TD) errors, while previously used to selectively sample past transitions, also prove effective for scoring a level's future learning potential in generating entire episodes that an agent would experience when replaying it. We report significantly improved sample-efficiency and generalization on the majority of Procgen Benchmark environments as well as two challenging MiniGrid environments. Lastly, we present a qualitative analysis showing that Prioritized Level Replay induces an implicit curriculum, taking the agent gradually from easier to harder levels.


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