Priming Deep Neural Networks with Synthetic Faces for Enhanced Performance

by   Adam Kortylewski, et al.

Today's most successful facial image analysis systems are based on deep neural networks. However, a major limitation of such deep learning approaches is that their performance depends strongly on the availability of large annotated datasets. In this work, we prime deep neural networks by pre-training them with synthetic face images for specific facial analysis tasks. We demonstrate that this approach enhances both the generalization performance as well as the dataset efficiency of deep neural networks. Using a 3D morphable face model, we generate arbitrary amounts of annotated data with full control over image characteristics such as facial shape and color, pose, illumination, and background. With a series of experiments, we extensively test the effect of priming deep neural networks with synthetic face examples for two popular facial image analysis tasks: face recognition and facial landmark detection. We observed the following positive effects for both tasks: 1) Priming with synthetic face images improves the generalization performance consistently across all benchmark datasets. 2) The amount of real-world data needed to achieve competitive performance is reduced by 75 50 consistently superior at enhancing the performance of deep neural networks than data augmentation and transfer learning techniques. Furthermore, our experiments provide evidence that priming with synthetic faces is able to enhance performance because it reduces the negative effects of biases present in real-world training data. The proposed synthetic face image generator, as well as the software used for our experiments, have been made publicly available.


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