Preserving the positivity of the deformation gradient determinant in intergrid interpolation by combining RBFs and SVD: application to cardiac electromechanics

by   Michele Bucelli, et al.

The accurate robust and efficient transfer of the deformation gradient tensor between meshes of different resolution is crucial in cardiac electromechanics simulations. We present a novel method that combines rescaled localized Radial Basis Function (RBF) interpolation with Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to preserve the positivity of the determinant of the deformation gradient tensor. The method involves decomposing the evaluations of the tensor at the quadrature nodes of the source mesh into rotation matrices and diagonal matrices of singular values; computing the RBF interpolation of the quaternion representation of rotation matrices and the singular value logarithms; reassembling the deformation gradient tensors at quadrature nodes of the destination mesh, to be used in the assembly of the electrophysiology model equations. The proposed method overcomes limitations of existing interpolation methods, including nested intergrid interpolation and RBF interpolation of the displacement field, that may lead to the loss of physical meaningfulness of the mathematical formulation and then to solver failures at the algebraic level, due to negative determinant values. The proposed method enables the transfer of solution variables between finite element spaces of different degrees and shapes and without stringent conformity requirements between different meshes, enhancing the flexibility and accuracy of electromechanical simulations. Numerical results confirm that the proposed method enables the transfer of the deformation gradient tensor, allowing to successfully run simulations in cases where existing methods fail. This work provides an efficient and robust method for the intergrid transfer of the deformation gradient tensor, enabling independent tailoring of mesh discretizations to the particular characteristics of the physical components concurring to the of the multiphysics model.


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