Pre-trained transformer for adversarial purification

by   Kai Wu, et al.

With more and more deep neural networks being deployed as various daily services, their reliability is essential. It's frightening that deep neural networks are vulnerable and sensitive to adversarial attacks, the most common one of which for the services is evasion-based. Recent works usually strengthen the robustness by adversarial training or leveraging the knowledge of an amount of clean data. However, in practical terms, retraining and redeploying the model need a large computational budget, leading to heavy losses to the online service. In addition, when adversarial examples of a certain attack are detected, only limited adversarial examples are available for the service provider, while much clean data may not be accessible. Given the mentioned problems, we propose a new scenario, RaPiD (Rapid Plug-in Defender), which is to rapidly defend against a certain attack for the frozen original service model with limitations of few clean and adversarial examples. Motivated by the generalization and the universal computation ability of pre-trained transformer models, we come up with a new defender method, CeTaD, which stands for Considering Pre-trained Transformers as Defenders. In particular, we evaluate the effectiveness and the transferability of CeTaD in the case of one-shot adversarial examples and explore the impact of different parts of CeTaD as well as training data conditions. CeTaD is flexible, able to be embedded into an arbitrary differentiable model, and suitable for various types of attacks.


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