Possibility Theory Quantification in Human Capital Management: A Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) Perspective

by   Barbara Keary, et al.

This study explores the use of Machine Learning (ML) in the field of Human Resources Management (HRM) alternatively, Human Capital Management (HCM), through a unique approach of employing partial differential equations (PDEs) to address the complexity of anthropomorphic systems. The mathematical representation offers a robust evaluation of human activities and demonstrates the potential of Bayesian-based machine learning techniques for visual representation in predictive analytics applications. This study is a part of a series of manuscripts about Scientific Machine Learning (SciML), a method that uses partial differential equations to represent physical systems and domain-specific data. In this text, the data are from non-stationary environments with polymorphic uncertainty. The hypotheses tested in this study are: H1a (null hypothesis) which states that the structure of a covariate does not change significantly over time (t) given a set of initial conditions, while H1b (alternative hypothesis) states that the structure of a covariate changes significantly over time (t) given a set of initial conditions. H2a (null hypothesis) states that the conditions do not significantly impact the relationship of the covariates to one another, and H2b (alternative hypothesis) states that the conditions do significantly impact the relationship of the covariates to one another. The models use linear regression analysis with targeted productivity as the dependent variable and date as the independent variable. The results show that the relationship between targeted productivity and date is statistically significant, providing evidence to support H2b and H1b suggesting that the conditions do significantly impact the relationship of the covariates to one another and the structure of a covariate changes significantly over time (t) given a set of initial conditions, respectively.


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