Population-Based Evolutionary Gaming for Unsupervised Person Re-identification

by   Yunpeng Zhai, et al.

Unsupervised person re-identification has achieved great success through the self-improvement of individual neural networks. However, limited by the lack of diversity of discriminant information, a single network has difficulty learning sufficient discrimination ability by itself under unsupervised conditions. To address this limit, we develop a population-based evolutionary gaming (PEG) framework in which a population of diverse neural networks is trained concurrently through selection, reproduction, mutation, and population mutual learning iteratively. Specifically, the selection of networks to preserve is modeled as a cooperative game and solved by the best-response dynamics, then the reproduction and mutation are implemented by cloning and fluctuating hyper-parameters of networks to learn more diversity, and population mutual learning improves the discrimination of networks by knowledge distillation from each other within the population. In addition, we propose a cross-reference scatter (CRS) to approximately evaluate re-ID models without labeled samples and adopt it as the criterion of network selection in PEG. CRS measures a model's performance by indirectly estimating the accuracy of its predicted pseudo-labels according to the cohesion and separation of the feature space. Extensive experiments demonstrate that (1) CRS approximately measures the performance of models without labeled samples; (2) and PEG produces new state-of-the-art accuracy for person re-identification, indicating the great potential of population-based network cooperative training for unsupervised learning.


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