Popularity Ranking of Database Management Systems
Databases are considered to be integral part of modern information systems. Almost every web or mobile application uses some kind of database. Database management systems are considered to be a crucial element from both business and technological standpoint. This paper divides different types of database management systems into two main categories (relational and non-relational) and several sub categories. Ranking of various sub categories for the month of July, 2021 are presented in the form of popularity score calculated and managed by DB-Engines. Popularity trend for each category is also presented to look at the change in popularity since 2013. Complete ranking and trend of top 20 systems has shown that relational models are still most popular systems with Oracle and MySQL being two most popular systems. However, recent trends have shown DBMSs like Time Series and Document Store getting more and more popular with their wide use in IOT technology and BigData, respectively.