PoolRank: Max/Min Pooling-based Ranking Loss for Listwise Learning Ranking Balance

by   Zhizhong Chen, et al.

Numerous neural retrieval models have been proposed in recent years. These models learn to compute a ranking score between the given query and document. The majority of existing models are trained in pairwise fashion using human-judged labels directly without further calibration. The traditional pairwise schemes can be time-consuming and require pre-defined positive-negative document pairs for training, potentially leading to learning bias due to document distribution mismatch between training and test conditions. Some popular existing listwise schemes rely on the strong pre-defined probabilistic assumptions and stark difference between relevant and non-relevant documents for the given query, which may limit the model potential due to the low-quality or ambiguous relevance labels. To address these concerns, we turn to a physics-inspired ranking balance scheme and propose PoolRank, a pooling-based listwise learning framework. The proposed scheme has four major advantages: (1) PoolRank extracts training information from the best candidates at the local level based on model performance and relative ranking among abundant document candidates. (2) By combining four pooling-based loss components in a multi-task learning fashion, PoolRank calibrates the ranking balance for the partially relevant and the highly non-relevant documents automatically without costly human inspection. (3) PoolRank can be easily generalized to any neural retrieval model without requiring additional learnable parameters or model structure modifications. (4) Compared to pairwise learning and existing listwise learning schemes, PoolRank yields better ranking performance for all studied retrieval models while retaining efficient convergence rates.


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