Poisson Matrix Recovery and Completion
We extend the theory of low-rank matrix recovery and completion to the case when Poisson observations for a linear combination or a subset of the entries of a matrix are available, which arises in various applications with count data. We consider the usual matrix recovery formulation through maximum likelihood with proper constraints on the matrix M of size d_1-by-d_2, and establish theoretical upper and lower bounds on the recovery error. Our bounds for matrix completion are nearly optimal up to a factor on the order of O((d_1 d_2)). These bounds are obtained by combing techniques for compressed sensing for sparse vectors with Poisson noise and for analyzing low-rank matrices, as well as adapting the arguments used for one-bit matrix completion davenport20121 (although these two problems are different in nature) and the adaptation requires new techniques exploiting properties of the Poisson likelihood function and tackling the difficulties posed by the locally sub-Gaussian characteristic of the Poisson distribution. Our results highlight a few important distinctions of the Poisson case compared to the prior work including having to impose a minimum signal-to-noise requirement on each observed entry and a gap in the upper and lower bounds. We also develop a set of efficient iterative algorithms and demonstrate their good performance on synthetic examples and real data.