PMAA: A Progressive Multi-scale Attention Autoencoder Model for High-Performance Cloud Removal from Multi-temporal Satellite Imagery

by   Xuechao Zou, et al.

Satellite imagery analysis plays a vital role in remote sensing, but the information loss caused by cloud cover seriously hinders its application. This study presents a high-performance cloud removal architecture called Progressive Multi-scale Attention Autoencoder (PMAA), which simultaneously leverages global and local information. It mainly consists of a cloud detection backbone and a cloud removal module. The cloud detection backbone uses cloud masks to reinforce cloudy areas to prompt the cloud removal module. The cloud removal module mainly comprises a novel Multi-scale Attention Module (MAM) and a Local Interaction Module (LIM). PMAA establishes the long-range dependency of multi-scale features using MAM and modulates the reconstruction of the fine-grained details using LIM, allowing for the simultaneous representation of fine- and coarse-grained features at the same level. With the help of diverse and multi-scale feature representation, PMAA outperforms the previous state-of-the-art model CTGAN consistently on the Sen2_MTC_Old and Sen2_MTC_New datasets. Furthermore, PMAA has a considerable efficiency advantage, with only 0.5 respectively. These extensive results highlight the potential of PMAA as a lightweight cloud removal network suitable for deployment on edge devices. We will release the code and trained models to facilitate the study in this direction.


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