Persistent Tensors and Multiqudit Entanglement Transformation
We construct a lower bound of the tensor rank for a new class of tensors, which we call persistent tensors. We present three specific families of persistent tensors, of which the lower bound is tight. We show that there is a chain of degenerations between these three families of minimal-rank persistent tensors that can be used to study the entanglement transformation between them. In addition, we show that these three families of persistent tensors are indeed different generalizations of multiqubit W states within multiqudit systems and are geometrically in the orbit closure of multiqudit GHZ states. Consequently, we show that one can obtain every one of the generalizations of W state from a multiqudit GHZ state via asymptotic Stochastic Local Operations and Classical Communication (SLOCC) with rate one. Finally, we extend the obtained lower bound of the tensor rank to direct sums with persistent summands and to even more general combinations of tensors, which we call block pyramidal tensors. As a result, we show that the tensor rank is multiplicative under the Kronecker and tensor products of minimal-rank persistent tensors with the GHZ tensor.