Perfect Matchings and Quantum Physics: Progress on Krenn's Conjecture

by   L. Sunil Chandran, et al.

In 2017, Krenn reported that certain problems related to the perfect matchings and colourings of graphs emerge out of studying the constructability of general quantum states using modern photonic technologies. He realized that if we can prove that the weighted matching index of a graph, a parameter defined in terms of perfect matchings and colourings of the graph is at most 2, that could lead to exciting insights on the potential of resources of quantum inference. Motivated by this, he conjectured that the weighted matching index of any graph is at most 2. The first result on this conjecture was by Bogdanov, who proved that the (unweighted) matching index of graphs (non-isomorphic to K_4) is at most 2, thus classifying graphs non-isomorphic to K_4 into Type 0, Type 1 and Type 2. By definition, the weighted matching index of Type 0 graphs is 0. We give a structural characterization for Type 2 graphs, using which we settle Krenn's conjecture for Type 2 graphs. Using this characterization, we provide a simple O(|V||E|) time algorithm to find the unweighted matching index of any graph. In view of our work, Krenn's conjecture remains to be proved only for Type 1 graphs. We give upper bounds for the weighted matching index in terms of connectivity parameters for such graphs. Using these bounds, for a slightly simplified version, we settle Krenn's conjecture for the class of graphs with vertex connectivity at most 2 and the class of graphs with maximum degree at most 4. Krenn has been publicizing his conjecture in various ways since 2017. He has even declared a reward for a resolution of his conjecture. We hope that this article will popularize the problem among computer scientists.


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