PerceptionGAN: Real-world Image Construction from Provided Text through Perceptual Understanding

by   Kanish Garg, et al.

Generating an image from a provided descriptive text is quite a challenging task because of the difficulty in incorporating perceptual information (object shapes, colors, and their interactions) along with providing high relevancy related to the provided text. Current methods first generate an initial low-resolution image, which typically has irregular object shapes, colors, and interaction between objects. This initial image is then improved by conditioning on the text. However, these methods mainly address the problem of using text representation efficiently in the refinement of the initially generated image, while the success of this refinement process depends heavily on the quality of the initially generated image, as pointed out in the DM-GAN paper. Hence, we propose a method to provide good initialized images by incorporating perceptual understanding in the discriminator module. We improve the perceptual information at the first stage itself, which results in significant improvement in the final generated image. In this paper, we have applied our approach to the novel StackGAN architecture. We then show that the perceptual information included in the initial image is improved while modeling image distribution at multiple stages. Finally, we generated realistic multi-colored images conditioned by text. These images have good quality along with containing improved basic perceptual information. More importantly, the proposed method can be integrated into the pipeline of other state-of-the-art text-based-image-generation models to generate initial low-resolution images. We also worked on improving the refinement process in StackGAN by augmenting the third stage of the generator-discriminator pair in the StackGAN architecture. Our experimental analysis and comparison with the state-of-the-art on a large but sparse dataset MS COCO further validate the usefulness of our proposed approach.


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