Peer to Peer Learning Platform Optimized With Machine Learning

by   Vikram Anantha, et al.

HELM Learning (Helping Everyone Learn More) is the first online peer-to-peer learning platform which allows students (typically middle-to-high school students) to teach classes and students (typically elementary-to-middle school students) to learn from classes for free. This method of class structure (peer-to-peer learning) has been proven effective for learning, as it promotes teamwork and collaboration, and enables active learning. HELM is a unique platform as it provides an easy process for students to create, teach and learn topics in a structured, peer-to-peer environment. Since HELM was created in April 2020, it has gotten over 4000 student sign ups and 80 teachers, in 4 continents around the world. HELM has grown from a simple website-and-Google-Form platform to having a backend system coded with Python, SQL, JavaScript and HTML, hosted on an AWS service. This not only makes it easier for students to sign up (as the students' information is saved in an SQL database, meaning they can sign up for classes without having to put in their information again, as well as getting automated emails about their classes), but also makes it easier for teachers to teach (as supplemental processes such as creating Zoom links, class recording folders, sending emails to students, etc. are done automatically). In addition, HELM has a recommendation machine learning algorithm which suggests classes and subjects students would enjoy taking, based on the previous classes a student has taken. This has created an easier experience for students to sign up for classes they are interested in.


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