PDAugment: Data Augmentation by Pitch and Duration Adjustments for Automatic Lyrics Transcription

by   Chen Zhang, et al.

Automatic lyrics transcription (ALT), which can be regarded as automatic speech recognition (ASR) on singing voice, is an interesting and practical topic in academia and industry. ALT has not been well developed mainly due to the dearth of paired singing voice and lyrics datasets for model training. Considering that there is a large amount of ASR training data, a straightforward method is to leverage ASR data to enhance ALT training. However, the improvement is marginal when training the ALT system directly with ASR data, because of the gap between the singing voice and standard speech data which is rooted in music-specific acoustic characteristics in singing voice. In this paper, we propose PDAugment, a data augmentation method that adjusts pitch and duration of speech at syllable level under the guidance of music scores to help ALT training. Specifically, we adjust the pitch and duration of each syllable in natural speech to those of the corresponding note extracted from music scores, so as to narrow the gap between natural speech and singing voice. Experiments on DSing30 and Dali corpus show that the ALT system equipped with our PDAugment outperforms previous state-of-the-art systems by 5.9 WERs respectively, demonstrating the effectiveness of PDAugment for ALT.


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