Path-based Deep Network for Candidate Item Matching in Recommenders

by   Houyi Li, et al.

The large-scale recommender system mainly consists of two stages: matching and ranking. The matching stage (also known as the retrieval step) identifies a small fraction of relevant items from billion-scale item corpus in low latency and computational cost. Item-to-item collaborative filter (item-based CF) and embedding-based retrieval (EBR) have been long used in the industrial matching stage owing to its efficiency. However, item-based CF is hard to meet personalization, while EBR has difficulty in satisfying diversity. In this paper, we propose a novel matching architecture, Path-based Deep Network (named PDN), which can incorporate both personalization and diversity to enhance matching performance. Specifically, PDN is comprised of two modules: Trigger Net and Similarity Net. PDN utilizes Trigger Net to capture the user's interest in each of his/her interacted item, and Similarity Net to evaluate the similarity between each interacted item and the target item based on these items' profile and CF information. The final relevance between the user and the target item is calculated by explicitly considering user's diverse interests, aggregating the relevance weights of the related two-hop paths (one hop of a path corresponds to user-item interaction and the other to item-item relevance). Furthermore, we describe the architecture design of a matching system with the proposed PDN in a leading real-world E-Commerce service (Mobile Taobao App). Based on offline evaluations and online A/B test, we show that PDN outperforms the existing solutions for the same task. The online results also demonstrate that PDN can retrieve more personalized and more diverse relevant items to significantly improve user engagement. Currently, PDN system has been successfully deployed at Mobile Taobao App and handling major online traffic.


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