Parameter Identification by Deep Learning of a Material Model for Granular Media

by   Derick Nganyu Tanyu, et al.

Classical physical modelling with associated numerical simulation (model-based), and prognostic methods based on the analysis of large amounts of data (data-driven) are the two most common methods used for the mapping of complex physical processes. In recent years, the efficient combination of these approaches has become increasingly important. Continuum mechanics in the core consists of conservation equations that – in addition to the always necessary specification of the process conditions – can be supplemented by phenomenological material models. The latter are an idealized image of the specific material behavior that can be determined experimentally, empirically, and based on a wealth of expert knowledge. The more complex the material, the more difficult the calibration is. This situation forms the starting point for this work's hybrid data-driven and model-based approach for mapping a complex physical process in continuum mechanics. Specifically, we use data generated from a classical physical model by the MESHFREE software to train a Principal Component Analysis-based neural network (PCA-NN) for the task of parameter identification of the material model parameters. The obtained results highlight the potential of deep-learning-based hybrid models for determining parameters, which are the key to characterizing materials occurring naturally, and their use in industrial applications (e.g. the interaction of vehicles with sand).


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