Parallel and Communication Avoiding Least Angle Regression

by   S. Das, et al.

We are interested in parallelizing the Least Angle Regression (LARS) algorithm for fitting linear regression models to high-dimensional data. We consider two parallel and communication avoiding versions of the basic LARS algorithm. The two algorithms apply to data that have different layout patterns (one is appropriate for row-partitioned data, and the other is appropriate for column-partitioned data), and they have different asymptotic costs and practical performance. The first is bLARS, a block version of LARS algorithm where we update b columns at each iteration. Assuming that the data are row-partitioned, bLARS reduces the number of arithmetic operations, latency, and bandwidth by a factor of b. The second is Tournament-bLARS (T-bLARS), a tournament version of LARS, in which case processors compete, by running several LARS computations in parallel, to choose b new columns to be added into the solution. Assuming that the data are column-partitioned, T-bLARS reduces latency by a factor of b. Similarly to LARS, our proposed methods generate a sequence of linear models. We present extensive numerical experiments that illustrate speed-ups up to 25x compared to LARS.


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