Outer power transformations of hierarchical Archimedean copulas: Construction, sampling and estimation

by   Jan Górecki, et al.

A large number of commonly used parametric Archimedean copula (AC) families are restricted to a single parameter, connected to a concordance measure such as Kendall's tau. This often leads to poor statistical fits, particularly in the joint tails, and can sometimes even limit the ability to model concordance or tail dependence mathematically. This work suggests outer power (OP) transformations of Archimedean generators to overcome these limitations. The copulas generated by OP-transformed generators can, for example, allow one to capture both a given concordance measure and a tail dependence coefficient simultaneously. For exchangeable OP-transformed ACs, a formula for computing tail dependence coefficients is obtained, as well as two feasible OP AC estimators are proposed and their properties studied by simulation. For hierarchical extensions of OP-transformed ACs, a new construction principle, efficient sampling and parameter estimation are addressed. By simulation, convergence rate and standard errors of the proposed estimator are studied. Excellent tail fitting capabilities of OP-transformed hierarchical AC models are demonstrated in a risk management application. The results show that the OP transformation is able to improve the statistical fit of exchangeable ACs, particularly of those that cannot capture upper tail dependence or strong concordance, as well as the statistical fit of hierarchical ACs, especially in terms of tail dependence and higher dimensions. Given how comparably simple it is to include OP transformations into existing exchangeable and hierarchical AC models, this transformation provides an attractive trade-off between computational effort and statistical improvement.


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