Our Deep CNN Face Matchers Have Developed Achromatopsia

by   Aman Bhatta, et al.

Modern deep CNN face matchers are trained on datasets containing color images. We show that such matchers achieve essentially the same accuracy on the grayscale or the color version of a set of test images. We then consider possible causes for deep CNN face matchers “not seeing color”. Popular web-scraped face datasets actually have 30 to 60% of their identities with one or more grayscale images. We analyze whether this grayscale element in the training set impacts the accuracy achieved, and conclude that it does not. Further, we show that even with a 100% grayscale training set, comparable accuracy is achieved on color or grayscale test images. Then we show that the skin region of an individual's images in a web-scraped training set exhibit significant variation in their mapping to color space. This suggests that color, at least for web-scraped, in-the-wild face datasets, carries limited identity-related information for training state-of-the-art matchers. Finally, we verify that comparable accuracy is achieved from training using single-channel grayscale images, implying that a larger dataset can be used within the same memory limit, with a less computationally intensive early layer.


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