Ordinal Outcome State-Space Models for Intensive Longitudinal Data

by   Teague R. Henry, et al.

Intensive longitudinal (IL) data are increasingly prevalent in psychological science, coinciding with technological advancements that make it simple to deploy study designs such as daily diary and ecological momentary assessments. IL data are characterized by a rapid rate of data collection (1+ collections per day), over a period of time, allowing for the capture of the dynamics that underlie psychological and behavioral processes. One powerful framework for analyzing IL data is state-space modeling, where observed variables are considered measurements for underlying states (i.e., latent variables) that change together over time. However, state-space modeling has typically relied on continuous measurements, whereas psychological data often comes in the form of ordinal measurements such as Likert scale items. In this manuscript, we develop a general estimating approach for state-space models with ordinal measurements, specifically focusing on a graded response model for Likert scale items. We evaluate the performance of our model and estimator against that of the commonly used “linear approximation” model, which treats ordinal measurements as though they are continuous. We find that our model resulted in unbiased estimates of the state dynamics, while the linear approximation resulted in strongly biased estimates of the state dynamics


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