Optimal Textures: Fast and Robust Texture Synthesis and Style Transfer through Optimal Transport
This paper presents a light-weight, high-quality texture synthesis algorithm that easily generalizes to other applications such as style transfer and texture mixing. We represent texture features through the deep neural activation vectors within the bottleneck layer of an auto-encoder and frame the texture synthesis problem as optimal transport between the activation values of the image being synthesized and those of an exemplar texture. To find this optimal transport mapping, we utilize an N-dimensional probability density function (PDF) transfer process that iterates over multiple random rotations of the PDF basis and matches the 1D marginal distributions across each dimension. This achieves quality and flexibility on par with expensive back-propagation based neural texture synthesis methods, but with the potential of achieving interactive rates. We demonstrate that first order statistics offer a more robust representation for texture than the second order statistics that are used today. We propose an extension of this algorithm that reduces the dimensionality of the neural feature space. We utilize a multi-scale coarse-to-fine synthesis pyramid to capture and preserve larger image features; unify color and style transfer under one framework; and further augment this system with a novel masking scheme that re-samples and re-weights the feature distribution for user-guided texture painting and targeted style transfer.