Optimal Design of Validation Experiments for the Prediction of Quantities of Interest

Numerical predictions of quantities of interest measured within physical systems rely on the use of mathematical models that should be validated, or at best, not invalidated. Model validation usually involves the comparison of experimental data (outputs from the system of interest) and model predictions, both obtained at a specific validation scenario. The design of this validation experiment should be directly relevant to the objective of the model, that of predicting a quantity of interest at a prediction scenario. In this paper, we address two specific issues arising when designing validation experiments. The first issue consists in determining an appropriate validation scenario in cases where the prediction scenario cannot be carried out in a controlled environment. The second issue concerns the selection of observations when the quantity of interest cannot be readily observed. The proposed methodology involves the computation of influence matrices that characterize the response surface of given model functionals. Minimization of the distance between influence matrices allow one for selecting a validation experiment most representative of the prediction scenario. We illustrate our approach on two numerical examples. The first example considers the validation of a simple model based on an ordinary differential equation governing an object in free fall to put in evidence the importance of the choice of the validation experiment. The second numerical experiment focuses on the transport of a pollutant and demonstrates the impact that the choice of the quantity of interest has on the validation experiment to be performed.


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